Mia Shinda calendar 2021 – „Beautyful apocalypse“ – order now :) !
Now is the time to anounce the new „Mia Shinda Wallcalendar 2021“ and it will be available shortly! This years theme is „Beautiful Apocalypse“ and it will show various different sides of a woman! It contains some already known pictures from me in my postapo outfits but there will ne several new unpublished pictures, just like the one down below Photographer and editing: Thomas Kilian – Soulcatcher Photography – thank you once again for the awesome collaboration
One calendar (A3 – matt – 12 subjects with a cover and a transparency, ringed binding) costs 35€ + shipping and handling 10€ (within germany, shipping to other countries will be calculated individually), the calendars will be shipped starting mid october
Did I catch your attention? Then please write an email to [email protected] with your name, adress and you will get further information.
With each calendar you don’t just support Thomas and me with our projects, but furthermore the following organisation which strengthens womens rights all over the world: https://www.helpdirect.org/spenden-hilfsprojekte/spendenpools/details/spendenpool-frauenprojekte/?gclid=CjwKCAjwtNf6BRAwEiwAkt6UQlAtm-cDMhyF8nvTcPlTqZpWCwt8iPuT5PKWFD3aYgYYobi7lmGpoRoCxOgQAvD_BwE
Thank you!