Gruseliges Zombie Mädchen mit Teddybär in einem verlassenen Dachboden

Geeks and Freaks NL

Good evening, my dears to all horror, sci-fi, and fantasy fans…
Skaven Larp Charakter, Warhammer Fantasy

LARP Con 2025

LARPcon Kassel – Meet Me at My Booth Good evening, my…
Gehörnte Hexe im Nebel Wald

Vernissage „Scharfografie“

Mystical Saxony-Anhalt – A Creative Perspective on Home"! Good…

Annual overview 2025

Hello my dears, the new year has started, and I’d like to…

Meet me at „Dunkelbunter Szenemarkt“

Next Sunday, it's happening! Good evening my dears, I'm…
Puppe in verlassenem Haus auf altem Regal neben kaputten Puppen.

Happy Halloween 2024

👻Happy Halloween and a creepy evening, my dears 🎃 This…
Videodreh mit der Band "League of distortion"

Cooperation with the band „League of distortion“

Good evening my dears, today, I’m sharing a music video from…
Musikvideo Dreh mit Neuronal Drift - alternative Musik

Cooperation with the band „Neuronal Drift“

Hello my dears today, I would love to introduce you to another…
Der Tod


Good evening my dears today, I'm living up to my name "Shinda"…


Good evening my dears, I currently have a new collaboration…

„Furiosa“ Movie premiere

Good evening my dears, today, I have a few photos from our appearance…

Interview at LarpTales

Hello my dears some time ago, I had an interview on the LarpTales…
Tabletop Game

Cooperation 🙂

Good evening my dears - the awesome Karsten Zingsheim created…
Mia Shinda Wandkalender Motiv 2024

Thank you 🙂

Thanks for your support! Good evening my dears, We want…
Aktions Kalender "Umweltschutz, Tierschutz und viele weitere kritische Themen"

Mia Shinda wallcalendar 2024 – available now 😀

Good evening my dears it is finally the time to reveal the…
Selbstgefertigte Hochzeits Dekoration im vintage look

Wedding Decoration 🙂

Good evening my dears today I want to share some crafting work…

„Azukas Reise“ Update

Good evening my dears, we are working hard on "Azukas Reise"…

Artikel „Kwenn – Star Wars Larp“ in der LARPzei

Good evening my dears today I present you a small article from…
Hyena Cosplay

News: „Azukas Reise“

Good evening my dears today it's time for an update concerning…

Community Award „Innovative Make up Artist“

Good evening my dears I received an email from @KazaMarie who…

Darsteller im neuen Feuerschwanz Musikvideo „Berzerkermode“

Good evening my dears today I want to share with you the newest…
Star Wars Chadra-Fan Cosplay Costume Jedi Padavan

Happy Star Wars Day 2023

Good evening my dears, "may the force be with you" and happy…
Der Baphomet, Teufel, Succubus, Dämon

Happy Easter 2023

Hello my dears and happy easter to you all - today I have (maybe…
fertige Ergebnisse vom Leder Workshop - Nassformen

Leather wet-forming workshop

Good evening my dears past weekend I participated in Hamburg…
Hyäne, Hyena, Gnoll, Tierwesen, Fury, Kreatur, Cosplay, Larp Charakter, Kriegerin, Afrika, Voodoo, Hoodoo

Official Trailer „Azukas Reise“

Good evening my dears today I want to present to you the official…

Thank you so much 😀

Good evening my dears today I want to say "Thank You" for two…
Wandkalender mit alternativer Kunstfotografie

Mia Shinda Wall Calendar 2023

Good evening my dears it is finaly time to reveal the new "Mia…
Die Vogelscheuche

Happy Halloween 😀

Happy Halloween my dears today I have a picture for you from…
Grüße vom Set :)

Actor in new musicvideo from „Feuerschwanz“

I am honored to participate as an actor at a music video shooting…
Neunte Magdeburger Kulturnacht

Kulturnacht 2022 in Magdeburg

Good evening my dears this saturday the 24th september 2022…
Cover der Larpzeit Sommer Sonderausgabe 2022

Cover Larpzeit – Sommer Sonderausgabe 2022

Good evening my dears today I want to present to you the new…
Todesgöttin Kali

Todesgöttin Kali

Good evening my dears today I present a new outfit from my…
Cyberpunk Samurai girl

Cyberpunk Samurai

こんばんは Konbanwa my dears today I have something japan-inspired…
Während den Filmaufnahmen von "Azukas Reise" - Kunstfilmprojekt

Azukas Reise – behind the scenes 🙂

Good evening my dears today I have another small behind-the-scenes,…
Kleiner Verkaufsstand im archäologischen Freilichtmuseum Oerlinghausen

Kleine Kunstausstellung und Verkauf im archäologischen Freilichtmuseum in Oerlinghausen

Good evening my dears today I have some pictures from my booth…
Das Osterlamm auf einer Blumenwiese

Happy easter 🙂

Good evening my dears and happy easter today a cute pic with…
Filmplakat Australien - Mad Max Days

Cinema poster in Australia 😀

Hello my dears todays picture was sent to me by Bjoern Friedetzky…
Artikel aus der Larpzeit #75 - 3 seitiges Interview

Interview „Larpzeit #75“

Good evening my dears - our fantasy LARP-movie project "Azukas…
Sturmratte hält Hyäne fest

Behind the scenes – „Azukas Reise“

Good evening my dears today I have another small behind-the-scenes,…
Frau im Alice Kleid mit Hasenmaske und großer Kettensäge, verstörend

Live auf Twitch bei Thomas 🙂

Guten Abend ihr Lieben 😀 mein letzter Twitch Besuch bei der…
Postapokalyptische junge Frau auf Entdeckung

Live auf Twitch bei Tini 🙂

Guten Abend meine lieben Patreons das neue Jahr startet gleich…
Arbeiterin sitzt lässig auf altem Zug

Happy new year 2022 🙂

Good evening my dears the new year is starting full steam again…
Jahresrückblick 2021

Annual review 2021 🙂

Hello my dears today - without many words but with many…
Arktische Forscherin in der Endzeit mit Schusswaffe

Merry X-Mas 2021 😀

Good evening my dears I will be under way for a few days and…
Hyäne schreit Ork an

Interview „Azukas Reise“ with Mia Shinda and Thorsten Schulz

Good evening my dears today there is again a sign of life from…
Mia Shinda Kalender Geschenk Aktion

Christmas Give-away

Good evening my dears christmas is approaching fast and Thomas…
Während den Filmaufnahmen von "Azukas Reise" - Kunstfilmprojekt

Behind the scenes „Azukas Reise“

Good evening my dears here is now another small peak behind…
Während den Filmaufnahmen von "Azukas Reise" - Kunstfilmprojekt

„Azukas Reise“ – Behind the scenes

Good evening my dears  here is now another small peak…
Photopoint Horror Teeparty

Back from france 🙂

Good evening my dears I'm back from the Sf-Connexion 10e édition…
Dämon, Succubus aus der Hölle mit Flammen, Dunkelheit

Happy Halloween 2021

Good evening my dears Halloween is approaching fast and therefore…
Gnoll und Sigmarit - Tierwesen

„Azukas Reise“ – Behind the scenes

Good evening my dears here is now another small peak behind…
Licht gegen Dunkelheit

Behind the scenes – „Azukas Reise“

Light against Darkness - Sigmar against Chaos creatures - an…

Cooperation with the band „Cypecore“

Good evening my dears the band Cypecore released there newest…

Now available – Mia Shinda wall calendar 2022

Good evening my dears it's time again and you can purchase…
Tiermenschen, Gnoll und Skaven, Priester, Kinder der gehörnten Ratte

“Azukas Reise” – Behind the scenes

Good evening my dears after we finished the last filming day…
Hyäne Gnoll Tierwesen Fury Cosplay Larp Charakter

„Azukas Reise“ – Behind the scenes

Good evening my dears today it's time for another small peak…

New movie project – part three „Azukas Reise“

Good evening my dears today it's time for another small peak…
Gnoll und Uruk Ork Fantasy Larp, Wald

New movie project – part two „Azukas Reise“

Good evening my dears now we completed the second filming weekend…
Hyena Gnoll Cosplay Larp Outfit animal creature

New Movie Project „Azukas Reise“

Good evening my dears the countdown is on! We made through…

Leather Workshop with Medusa Leather-Art

Good evening my dears I had the wonderful opportunity to visit…
Gnoll - Hyäne - Hyena - Kostüm - Cosplay

A new LARP charakter is born 🙂

Good evening my dears after many months of hard work it is…
Ödland Kriegerin mit Armbrust - Mad Max Style

Montag 12.07.2021 ab 19.30 Uhr live auf Twitch

Guten Abend ihr Lieben morgen (Montag den 12.07.2021) ab 19.30…
Zombiemädchen mit Puppe

Vorstellungs Video – Mia Shinda Hello…

Spielkarte – Kooperation mit der Band „Dragol“

Guten Abend ihr Lieben heute gibt endlich mal wieder eine kleine…
Postapokalypse Gottheit Bastet - Katzengottheit

Live aus der Dechenhöhle Iserlohn

Hallo ihr Lieben vielen Dank an alle, die gestern live beim…
Gruppenfoto mit einigen Bandmitgliedern von Cypecore

Kooperation – Musikvideo Dreh mit der Band „Cypecore“

Guten Abend ihr Lieben heute mal ein paar Eindrücke vom vergangenen…
Gruseliger Hase - Ballerina Bunny - Horror - Postapocalypse - darkart

Happy easter 2021

Happy creepy easter my dears !!! Photographer and editing:…
alt-ägyptische Gottheiten Anubis und Bastet verliebt

Happy Valentine 2021 <3 A wonderful…
Ägyptische Göttin Bastet - Katzen Göttin

Transformation Videoclip

Good evening my dears as announced earlier today premiers my…
Katzencosplay Orient

Cooperation project – Video „Pass the feather“

Happy new year my dears beginning the new year I want to present…
Horror Krankenschwester

Happy new year 😀

Hello my dears before this goes into the abyss tonight - I…
Merry christmas, merry x-mas

Merry X-Ray 2020 🙂

Euch allen ein paar wunderschöne Feiertage, trotz der aktuellen…

Happy Halloween 2020 🙂

Good evening my dears Halloween is approaching fast and I…
Mia Shinda Wandkalender 2021 jetzt erhältlich

Mia Shinda calendar 2021 – „Beautyful apocalypse“ – order now 🙂 !

Now is the time to anounce the new "Mia Shinda Wallcalendar…
Mia Shinda

Treasure hunt at the junkyard

I often get messages from people who ask me where I get my…

Sphynxcat Bodypainting – behind the scenes Model, Mask, Accessoires:…

Cooperation Video

Hello my dears 😀 today I want to present to you…
postapocalyptic soldier

New postapocalyptic mini-clip

Hello my dears  today I want to present this miniclip…

New Photoequipment 🙂

Hello my dears 😀 today I want to present to you my latest…

Cooperation – little LARP clip

Hello my dears 😀 today I want to show you a nice little cooperation,…

Happy creepy easter 2020

Happy creepy easter my dears ? celebrate well and enjoy the…

First try as audiobook speaker 🙂

Good evening my dears ? recently I tried something completely…

Happy Valentine 2020 🙂

Good evening my dears ? I wish you all "happy valentines" in…

Thank you for a great EpicCon 2020

Good evening my dears ? an action-packed weekend is over ? this…

Mia Shinda Zombie PinUp calendar 2020

Good evening my dears 🙂 the first charge of "Mia Shinda - year…

Green Sanctuary – Episode 10

Today I present to you the 10th and LAST episode of our postapocalyptic…

Mia Shinda „Zombie-Pin-up“ calendar 2020

For 2020 I again have a Mia Shinda calendar, this time with…

Newest Postapo-short-video „Rise of Anubis“

Today at Sunday, 29.09.2019 the newest shortvideo of our postapo-project…

Costume-maker and designer

Hello my dears 🙂 today I present to you two identical officer…

Mia Shinda x Cypecore – „Reject the stream“

Here I was allowed to participate as actor with my postapo-cyber…

Festival Fantasia 2019 x Mia Shinda

Good evening my dears 😀 today I show you some impressions of…

New mini-video: horror-postapo-windbells

Hi my dears 😀 I'm already in the middle of my preperations…

Wasteland meets fetish

Here an article of Xpressions Magazine to the topic wasteland…

Larpwerker Convention 2019

Here some impressions from the "Larpwerker Convention 2019"…

Blog contribution by „Survive Doomsday“

Good evening my dears ? Today I want to show you the blog of…

Back from EpicCon 2019

Good evening my dears 🙂 I'm back from the first convention…

Mia Shinda on Tour 2019

Good evening my dears 🙂 today I reveal the overview for my…

Green Sanctuary – Episode 09

Here I present the ninth and penultimate episode of our new…

New motives in the merchandise shop

Good evening my dears ? today I want to present to you my new…

Mia Shinda feat. Cult of Chrome at the EpicCon 2019

Good evening my dears 😀 my conventionplan for 2019 is complete...…

Nerf Modding „Modulus – Evader“

Good evening my dears ? today I present to you a Nerf modding…

Green Sanctuary – Episode 08

Here I present the eighth episode of our new postapo webseries …