„Azukas Reise“ – Behind the scenes

Good evening my dears 🙂 today it’s time for another small peak behind the scenes of our fantasy movieproject „Azukas Reise“ 😃 What is this project about?It’s a no-budget LARP community project where we want to display what awesome ideas our participants developed, how they implement those ideas within the game and how this is captured within a great (movie) atmosphere! We hope that we can show with this project how awesome, aesthetic and sophisticated this (for outsiders) nerdy hobby can be and that it can be very artistic, crafty and social! Photographer and Editing: Aloha Airbrush – thank you very much ❤Yours, Mia ❤

Hyäne Gnoll Tierwesen Fury Cosplay Larp Charakter
Werbebanner Azukas Reise
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